Current Happenings



Oyster Fest

All of September

Join us for Oyster Fest 2013, at Turner's Melrose Grill & Market. Download this year's menu here.

Turner's will serve an estimated 90,000 live shucked oysters this year purchased from various New England growers. All live oysters received at Turners are individually counted and inspected on a daily basis to ensure quality and wholesomeness

The rumor mill has been running hot lately, and everyone’s been asking the same question: Is there soon to be a connection between historic Salem, Massachusetts, and Turner’s Seafood?

While it’s a shade too early to comment officially on anything, we can say that Salem is a beautiful town with a rich heritage, just like Melrose and Gloucester. One thing unique to Salem, though, is its historic Lyceum Hall. In an era seemingly obsessed with the latest and greatest, a building like the Lyceum, which dates back to 1830, is certainly unique. In its heyday, the Lyceum hosted such notables as Nathaniel Hawthorne, Horace Mann, Henry David Thoreau, Ralph Waldo Emerson, John Quincy Adams, and Oliver Wendell Holmes. It was also the location of Alexander Graham Bell's first public demonstration of the telephone in 1877.

In modern times, for more than 20 years, the former Lyceum Hall housed The Lyceum restaurant, which served Mediterranean fare until August 2011, when it was taken over by a steakhouse called 43 Church, also the address of the building. 43 Church closed in May 2013.

So, to sum up – Salem, Massachusetts; Turner’s Seafood; and the Lyceum Hall. And no comment.